At break 1 I've chipped up to 6715 from the starting 5000 chips.That's slightly above average and there were no huge hands to speak of. I've been coasting somewhat and made some chips calling down a big bluff on a not-slightly-scary board w/ top pair. A good first hour to the event. So far everyone is surprisingly soft. Lets hope it stays that way for a while. During the second hour of play, we get this. I've seen this before, disconnection issues when big tourneys spin up. No good Full Tilt.
During the second hour of play I made a somewhat stupid move getting in w/ 56 on a 578 board and continued betting when the 9 came out...the mistake came when I called his somewhat small raise. I should have pretty easily put him on that inside straight draw...worst card ever for me but hey, I didn't get felted, and that's more than I can say for many... it still hurt though.
Second break and I got picked apart pretty bad due to that horrible move described above. I'm back down to 3545 and the average is twice that. Need to start making some moves to get back into this thing. I just figured out that I must have the appearance of an absolute fish at the tables tonight. At the other game I was playing at I reraised all-in w/ AK vs an early raise, only to get called then reraised (two different people from the original raiser). I figured I'm dead, there was a 4-bet and a 5-bet w/ guys holding 44 and 55. Seriously, I'm getting no respect whatsoever tonight but that was a perfect situation to triple up but alas, no coin-flip win for me. So, now I'm only focusing on the FTOPS event. I'm sure I'll post fireworks during the next break update. Here's to hoping at least.
Fourth hour of play: No spectacular hands showing up in the first half hour but there is an interesting situation brewing. The guy directly to my right has been beating on me every round, stealing my blinds, this will end badly I'm sure. Then it happens, I raise it up w/ AQ from mid and ol shove-em steve from above jams in over my raise. After seeing him jam in the last three hands that he played w/ 69, KJ, and AJ I have to take the shot w/ half of my stack to get my buy-in back for knocking him out and he turns up miracle for me and I'm down to 11K again. He then goes on to overbet QK and call someones all-in and catch out and just up the aggression to stupid levels w/ borderline at best hands. Time for me to chip up so I can take another shot at him later. Right now, time to get back into this though. Last hand before the break I'm dealt 88 w/ a bit more than 3 big blinds. The hand was raised UTG by the player who raises every hand, then reraised by a mid player and shoved on by ol Steve again. The second raiser calls him w/ AQ and he shows up AA. W/ me holding 88, I got one back on him when the 8 hit the flop. I sweat the 4 flush and triple up. Stack at 13K w/ the average at 25K. 1117 runners left and I'm somewhere at the bottom of that pack. Seems to be the theme of this one...time to make a move during the next hour.
Fifth hour: and the surprises just keep the start of the fifth hour I have the 'pleasure' of having Chris Ferguson sat beside me. Now I'm pinned between Chris and Steve. This should make this thing fun. I put the chips in over a mid raiser w/ A9s and he tanked before calling w/ TJ. I faded the 6 outs and doubled up to 25K. Some up and downs throughout the hour and my big hand was a bit too obvious. On the bubble I had AQ and I rased a moderate amount and got called only to see AQ flop. All I could hope for is AJ or AK but he had JJ (so he says). The turn then killed any chance of action w/ another Q hitting. I think he bets there if that doesn't happen but it did, then to top it off the A hit the river. I couldn't even get a tiny bet out of him then. Chris was super-tight and Steve was shoving about every 5 hands. Odd for a guy w/ a $200 target on his back to do but perhaps it's reverse-reverse psychology and he has me snowed. The money bubble burst this hour and runners once again started dropping like flies. I'm gonna need to take advantage and double up there soon. Then I'll be in the running (kinda). Break update: I have 15K and the average is 51K (eek), 547 remain. 7 red pros remaining and 2 are at my table. Figures I don't have any chips to play w/ them. Here's to hoping that changes in the next hour.
Sixth hour: No cards really came and Chris Ferguson took me out w/ a coin flip in 402 place. He had AK vs my 44...A on the flop and I couldn't improve. I guess I can't hope to be beat by a better player. Bitter sweet for sure.
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